The Paper Writer Framework
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The Paper Writer Framework
In accordance with the provisions of the French Consumer Code concerning "the process of mediation of consumer disputes", the buyer has the right to use the mediation service offered by the company WHIRLWRITER™ free of charge.
The mediator thus proposed is CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. This mediation system can be reached by:
- electronic means:;
- or by post: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
In accordance with Article L 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, one of the conditions prior to the examination of the dispute by CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION is as follows:
the consumer must justify having attempted to resolve his dispute beforehand directly with the Customer Service of the company WHIRLWRITER™, by a complaint made by mail or e-mail.
European Platform for consumer disputes:
Gemäß den Bestimmungen des französischen Verbraucherschutzgesetzes über das „Schlichtungsverfahren bei Verbraucherstreitigkeiten“ hat der Käufer das Recht, den von der Firma WHIRLWRITER™ angebotenen Schlichtungsdienst kostenlos zu nutzen.
Der vorgeschlagene Mediator ist CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. Dieses Vermittlungssystem ist erreichbar über:
- elektronische Mittel:;
- oder per Post: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Libération - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
Gemäß Artikel L 612-1 des französischen Verbrauchergesetzbuchs lautet eine der Bedingungen vor der Prüfung der Streitigkeit durch CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION wie folgt:
Der Verbraucher muss begründen, dass er zuvor versucht hat, seine Streitigkeit direkt mit dem Kundendienst von die Firma WHIRLWRITER™ zu lösen, durch eine Beschwerde per Post oder E-Mail.
Europäische Plattform für verbraucherrechtliche Streitigkeiten:
In accordance with the provisions of the French Consumer Code concerning "the process of mediation of consumer disputes", the buyer has the right to use the mediation service offered by the company WHIRLWRITER™ free of charge.
The mediator thus proposed is CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. This mediation system can be reached by:
- electronic means:;
- or by post: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
In accordance with Article L 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, one of the conditions prior to the examination of the dispute by CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION is as follows:
the consumer must justify having attempted to resolve his dispute beforehand directly with the Customer Service of the company WHIRLWRITER™, by a complaint made by mail or e-mail.
European Platform for consumer disputes:
In accordance with the provisions of the French Consumer Code concerning "the process of mediation of consumer disputes", the buyer has the right to use the mediation service offered by the company WHIRLWRITER™ free of charge.
The mediator thus proposed is CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. This mediation system can be reached by:
- electronic means:;
- or by post: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
In accordance with Article L 612-1 of the French Consumer Code, one of the conditions prior to the examination of the dispute by CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION is as follows:
the consumer must justify having attempted to resolve his dispute beforehand directly with the Customer Service of the company WHIRLWRITER™, by a complaint made by mail or e-mail.
European Platform for consumer disputes:
De acordo com as disposições do Código do Consumidor francês sobre "o processo de mediação de disputas de consumo", o comprador tem o direito de usar gratuitamente o serviço de mediação oferecido pela empresa WHIRLWRITER™.
O mediador assim proposto é o CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. Este sistema de mediação pode ser acedido por:
- meios eletrónicos:;
- ou pelo correio: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
De acordo com o artigo L 612-1 do Código do Consumidor francês, uma das condições prévias ao exame do litígio pela CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION é a seguinte:
o consumidor deve justificar ter tentado resolver o seu litígio de antemão diretamente com o Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente da a empresa WHIRLWRITER™, por reclamação feita por correio ou e-mail.
Plataforma Europeia para litígios de consumo:
De conformidad con las disposiciones del Código de consumo francés relativas al "proceso de mediación de litigios de consumo", el comprador tiene derecho a utilizar el servicio de mediación ofrecido por la empresa WHIRLWRITER™ de forma gratuita.
El mediador así propuesto es CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. Se puede acceder a este sistema de mediación por:
- medios electrónicos:;
- o por correo postal: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
De conformidad con el artículo L 612-1 del Código de consumo francés, una de las condiciones previas al examen del litigio por parte de la CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION es la siguiente:
el consumidor debe justificar haber intentado resolver su litigio de antemano directamente con el Servicio de atención al cliente de la empresa WHIRLWRITER™, mediante una denuncia realizada por correo postal o electrónico.
Plataforma europea de litigios en materia de consumo:
Conformément aux dispositions du Code de la consommation concernant « le processus de médiation des litiges de la consommation », l'acheteur a le droit de recourir gratuitement au service de médiation proposé par la société WHIRLWRITER™.
Le médiateur ainsi proposé est CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. Ce dispositif de médiation peut être joint par :
- voie électronique : ;
- ou par voie postale : CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Libération - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
Conformément à l'article L 612-1 du Code de la consommation, l'une des conditions préalables à l'examen du litige par CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION est la suivante :
le consommateur doit justifier avoir tenté de résoudre préalablement son litige directement auprès du Service client de la société WHIRLWRITER™, par une réclamation portée par courrier ou courrier électronique.
Plateforme européenne des litiges de consommation :
I overensstemmelse med bestemmelserne i den franske forbrugerlovgivning vedrørende "processen med mægling af forbrugertvister", har køberen ret til gratis at bruge den mæglingstjeneste, der tilbydes af virksomheden WHIRLWRITER™.
Den således foreslåede mægler er CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. Dette formidlingssystem kan nås på:
- elektroniske midler:;
- eller pr. post: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
I overensstemmelse med artikel L 612-1 i den franske forbrugerlovgivning er en af betingelserne forud for undersøgelsen af tvisten af CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION som følger:
Forbrugeren skal dokumentere at have forsøgt at løse sin tvist på forhånd direkte med kundeservicen hos virksomheden WHIRLWRITER™, ved en klage fremsat pr. post eller e-mail.
Europæisk platform for forbrugertvister:
وفقًا لأحكام قانون المستهلك الفرنسي بشأن "عملية الوساطة في نزاعات المستهلكين"، يحق للمشتري استخدام خدمة الوساطة التي تقدمها شركة WHIRLWRITER™ مجانًا.
الوسيط المقترح هو CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION. يمكن الوصول إلى نظام الوساطة هذا من خلال:
- الوسائل الإلكترونية:؛
- أو عن طريق البريد: CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION - 27, avenue de la Liberation - F-42400 Saint-Chamond.
وفقًا للمادة L 612-1 من قانون المستهلك الفرنسي، فإن أحد الشروط قبل فحص النزاع من قبل CNPM MÉDIATION CONSOMMATION هو كما يلي:
يجب على المستهلك تبرير محاولته حل نزاعه مسبقًا مباشرةً مع خدمة العملاء الخاصة بشركة WHIRLWRITER™، من خلال تقديم شكوى بالبريد أو البريد الإلكتروني.
المنصة الأوروبية للنزاعات الاستهلاكية: